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We need your story of faith!
Posted on Sat, Nov 14, 2015
Experts who examine and study charitable giving in the United States have noticed two trends that exist across the board: religious giving continues to hold the No. 1 slot in charitable giving, and religious giving is rapidly declining as other charitable organizations have become increasingly expert at presenting their case to the giving public.
As giving to non-religious organization grows and to religious organizations falls, it has become apparent that churches too often fail to convince givers that their gifts make a significant difference.
Because of these trends, Rossford United Methodist Church wants to find new and different ways to make its case that it truly does change lives and improve our community. With that thought in mind, Pastor Larry Keeler will soon be calling members of our church to ask them what the church and their faith have meant in their life. As a pastor with more than 20 years of experience, he has seen faith change and affect lives again and again. He hopes to shape our church's stories into brief presentations that can be featured regularly on our web page and in our newsletter.
He will begin calling members of the church in January, and the life stories will begin appearing shortly after that on our web page at
If you have a story to tell, a moment when your church and its ministries filled your life, let us know and we'll direct Larry to your doorstep.
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