Devotions for week of Aug. 6, 2015

Posted on Sun, Sep 6, 2015:

Begin by reading the invocation. Read the assigned Psalm for the week once or twice and take a few moments to center yourself on God, relaxing and paying close attention to your breathing. Pray for yourself and others, allowing time for God to place others in your thoughts. Read the day's assigned Scripture slowly and reflectively, perhaps more than once, taking time to allow thoughts and images to form in your mind. Reflect on the Scripture, perhaps writing in your journal. Close with the benediction.

Invocation: Almighty God, create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us, that amid the din and confusion of this noisy world we may always choose the more excellent way. Amen.

Psalm: Psalm 73

Daily Scripture Readings:

Sunday: John 6: 24-35

Monday: Luke 10: 38-42

Tuesday: Romans 8: 18-25

Wednesday: 2 Cor. 6: 1-13

Thursday: Revelation 19: 1-8

Friday: Hebrews 10: 19-39

Saturday: Colossions 3: 5-17

Benediction: My Lord, today I will make a thousand choices, big and small, consequential and trivial. In the midst of these decisions, help me to choose the one thing needed for a richer, more vital life in you.  Amen.

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