Begin by praying the opening prayer. Read the assigned Psalm for the week once or twice and take a few moments to center yourself on God, relaxing and paying close attention to your breathing. Pray for yourself and others, allowing time for God to place others in your thoughts. Read the day's assigned Scripture slowly and reflectively, perhaps more than once, taking time to allow thoughts and images to form in your mind. Reflect on the Scripture, perhaps writing in your journal. Close with the week's benediction.
Opening prayer: My God, what joy it is when you come to us in daily visitation; what peace is ours when by your coming we find life anew. Come, O come to live with us and reign within, now and forever. Amen.
Psalm 65
Sunday: Luke 1: 26-38
Monday: James 5: 7-18
Tuesday: Matthew 1: 18-25
Wednesday: Isaiah 40: 1-11
Thursday: Ezekiel 34: 17-31
Friday: Isaiah 9: 1-7
Saturday: Philippians 4: 4-9
Benediction: My LOrd, let me go to my appointed place -- there to live and work in the unity of your Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.